Tonight I’m skipping Krav Maga once again to stay in and clean my house and work. And write a little entry here (priorities, you know). And partly because my usual fighting parter is a bit awkward and we’re supposed to be doing grappling right now and I don’t feel like rolling around on the floor with her. Mostly I’m skipping because I’ve been so busy with work though. I swear.

Anyway, I am, like I promised, working on a more grandiose update thing. I started writing it and I think it’s going to have to be at least a two-parter. I have plenty of pictures to go through as well. And realizations on life and transitions. And stuff. Until then, I’m going to share with you this picture of a whale I painted.

One of the awesome students at BCM, Kristine, decided to be super awesome and teach me how to paint a whale. We made it a stress buster activity since exams were going on at the time. Kristine was a good art teacher, slightly condescending, yet encouraging at the same time, everything an art teacher should be. Now I have to teach Kristine how to cook a steak. I think she just wants to eat. But no matter, there will be beef. Though whale might not taste that bad if it was legal.