I don’t really make New Years resolutions anymore. I prefer the creating little stories with my life like using the storyline process (Here are some of mine even though I haven’t been keeping up with it online a bunch: http://mysubplot.com/user/April_N_Adams). However, the timing of my next few personal projects seem New Years resolutiony, but they’re not. Even before Christmas, I started on a purging quest. First, it was to clean out the back room at BCM (Baptist Collegiate Ministry) and take care of a lot of neglected stuff around there. We made good use of the mission team that was staying in the building and took care of a TON of stuff and even got the cluttered, dirty back storage room cleaned up and looking nice.
Coming off of that great organizing success, I decided that my house needed the same type of treatment. After all, i have a bunch of junk that I don’t use and need, so I started the process of going through, cleaning out and organizing my house after Christmas.
Weeks before Christmas, my brother and I knew that he was getting a fancy new juicer for Christmas, so we had already decided that January 2nd, we’d attempt a ten day juice fast. I love eating, so it’s going to be difficult, however, we decided to give it a go to reboot our systems. I had watched this documentary, Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead sometime ago and had become interested with juicing (http://www.fatsickandnearlydead.com).
Soooo, I’m going to try to write each day of this process. I’m already anticipating a cranky mood for myself the first few days. I’ll try not to take it out on you, dear reader. Stay tuned!