I had a contest on here a little while back to try to make up for the fact that I’m not sending out Christmas cards this year. The first three people to comment back got their faces superimposed on something. I decided to extend the contest to the first four since the fourth commenter was my friend and loyal reader, Amber. She’s also a nurse and I might need her to save my life one day. I’m pretty sickly. Anyway, I’ll quit yammering and unveil the great transformations.

Mona Amy

#1. Amy is an artist. She likes paint and history involving paint. This is what Amy would look like if she was an old painting. I present to you the Amy Lisa.

lindsay badger

#2. Lindsay is fierce. Like a honey badger. Lindsay Badger eats snakes. Lindsay Badger don’t care!!

Cristin Wall Flower

#3. Cristin likes to go on mission trips. Cristin does well on mission trips because she knows how to bandage people’s hurt bones and muscles up real good. Cristin got bored with bones and muscles and decided she wanted to check out what the dental team was up to. But, Cristin didn’t want anyone to know that she was checking out the dental team, so she used her skills developed in high school as a wall flower and blended seamlessly with the wall, thus avoiding detection. As you can see, she was thrilled with the work that the dental team was doing. Now she dreams of teeth. And the rains down in Africa.

#4. At first glance, you might think that this is a dolphin, but look closer and guess again. It’s an Amberfin! I had to break up Amber’s face a little bit to make her work with the dolphin. Her eye is not where her eye would normally be. Her nose and mouth had to move on up front. Here’s the original face I used:


Well, that does it for April the Photoshopping Elf. Hope you enjoy the images! Merry Christmas!

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