In an attempt to not be the person who posts every six months, I decided to do an easy post for me and something that might possibly be meaningful/helpful to you. A few weeks ago at BCM, we had a retreat. The following is a short morning devotional that I wrote for the students. While it is a little bit geared toward BCM, the message and Scripture used is universal. There are even some reflection questions at the end. So, if you’re looking for something to help you with some quiet time with God, I hope this will be useful to you.

The other morning, I was drinking my coffee and trying to have prayer time, but I was a bit stressed out and decided to walk out to my back yard and pick scuppernongs off of the vine that grows on my fence in order to clear my mind, get some sunlight, and pick a healthy breakfast. As I was picking the fruit, I saw several pieces that had rotted right on the vine. I hadn’t had a chance to go out and pick them for a while, therefore many perfectly good pieces of fruit went to waste. This reminded of me of when Jesus had been out in the towns and villages ministering to people, and He felt compassion on them because they were lost. He tells his disciples later, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” (Matthew 9:35-38).

I reflected on the work of BCM, and how we have this amazing opportunity to share Jesus with all kinds of people. Later that afternoon, I participated in the weekly International lunch at BCM. My mind went back to the scuppernong vine in my yard and rotting fruit that would have been good had someone just come along and picked it.  We get so wrapped up in our activities, to-do lists, and own ambitions that we forget that there are people all around us who need to know the hope and love of the Living God. Good people waste away on the vine because we are consumed with our own hurts and desires.

This begs the question: How do we move past ourselves to the point where we can care for others and see to it that they do not waste away?

Read Matthew 9: 18-38. What was Jesus’ response when He came across the needy people? How do you respond when you come across people in need (spiritual or physical)?

In verse 34, the Pharisees respond negatively to Jesus’ miracles. Why do you think they did? What kind of resistance might you face by stepping out and helping others?

How are you working the harvest? Take some time to pray for workers in God’s field and also ask God to show you ways that you can serve Him.

Categories: Miscellaneous