Today was easier than I thought it was going to be even though it did have its moments. My mother called to ask me what my favorite bakery is. She was looking for a cake to get me for my birthday. I’ll be celebrating the big 3-0 the day that I break my fast. Yeah, I planned that. Sort of. I told my mother my first choice of bakery, which is in Nashville. After she told me that that wouldn’t work, I gave her one around here. Then she wanted to know what kind of cake. I told her all of the cakes. Later on in the day, my “little brother” from China, Fangyang, who made it back to the US a couple of days ago and has been talking about all of the food here that he wants to eat, ate Zsxby’s food in front of me and I was all right. In fact, I sometimes think of fast food and get a little grossed out. Physically, I’ve been fine. The hard part so far is still the mental part. I was thinking about all of the foods that I’m missing. Here is a list of them:
Potato Chips
Candy Bars
Cheeseburgers (sort of)
Even though I think about these foods, I’m still nowhere near giving in. I’m feeling pretty good and I’m down to the single digits. 8 days left!