I’ve been working on this site from scratch since last September and now it is finally almost ready. I’m getting the last bit of styling done and am trying to figure out what content to start feeling this space with. I plan to have a bit of this and that and hope to be consistent in updates (everyone says that when they start a blog!). I thought it would be cool to have a place to gather “creative” endeavors together in one place.
I still need to tweak the “comments” section. I also need to figure out if I want to do links to facebook, etc., and if so, get the icons up. My original plan was to do that. We’ll see if I stick to the originals. I need to just test out everything too and make sure posts go up properly and all that. When you build a site it seems that there’s always some bug to fix. That’s the nature of it all, I suppose.
Here’s a picture of fireworks to tide us over until I get everything else together.