Back sometime ago, some friends and I came up with an idea to start a Web site called The Procrastinator’s Paradise. We had grand plans of making money off of Google Ads. I think we got up to $30 or so. Google doesn’t let you cash in until you reach $100. It was an interesting idea, but we procrastinated a lot and didn’t get very far with it. One of the features on the site was a segment called, “Ewwww, They Call That Food” where people would eat weird foods while we documented it. Two videos we made were for canned sausage products. One called Banner Sausage and the other Beverly Bulk Sausage. My buddy Jarrett and I even recorded “commentary” editions to add a little extra flair. We talked other friends into watching our videos and they got somewhere between 100 and 200 views. Then as we slacked off with Procrastinator’s Paradise, we forgot about the videos. Every now and then, I get notices from Youtube that I have received a new comment from some random person, usually defending the nasty meatish product. (It’s dog food marketed to people, okay!) Others just think it’s funny. It just amazes me that anyone would search for videos of canned sausage. A few days ago, I got a notice that there was another new comment. I went to the video and realized it had over 900 views. It has sort of boggled my mind that our videos have gotten as many views as they have from random people that we don’t even know.
I also came to realize that when you do Google searches for Banner Sausage and Beverly Sausage, our videos are some of the first things to pop up on the searches. Check it out:
This goes to show how important videos can be in Internet marketing. Had those companies created their own videos, they might have their own stuff up on the searches instead of our silly videos … not that those companies seem to be the type to spend any time or money of advertising and marketing. It’s fun to imagine the possibilities.
Just for the heck of it, I’d like to see the Banner Sausage video reach 1,000 views. If you would be so kind as to let the video run a time or two, I’d like you a lot for it. The videos are kind of (sort of … maybe) funny, especially if you happen to know my friends Denis and Ashley (and Jarrett). The thing that bothers me about them (the videos, not my friends) is the fact that I didn’t know much about proper video compression for Web at the time, so they’re not that great quality. They’re still viewable though.
The Beverly Bulk Sausage Video isn’t too far behind with views, coming in around 725.
Hope you enjoy those disgusting/stupid videos.