Tara and I were at Riverfront Park a month or two ago “training” for a race.


We were moving along nicely when all of the sudden, we felt something big fly above our heads.

majestic owl

“What was that?!” I asked. Tara and I stopped our, ahem, “running” to find out what was swooping over our heads.

perched owl

There it was. An owl. Perched on a limb right above our heads. We stood and stared at it for a while, in awe that we were getting to see one so close up. We lamented the fact that neither of us had a camera on hand to take a nice picture and then decided to move on. The owl remained perched. We had only moved a few steps when we saw this walking in our opposite direction towards the owl:

muscle man and rat dog

A large, sort of muscly man was walking a tiny rat dog. It didn’t look quite right, but whatever, it was happening. Tara and I slowed down and turned around to walk backwards. We were  hoping, praying that maybe, just maybe that owl would be super hungry and desperate enough to give us a show and do this:

owl the predator!

Unfortunately (ok, probably fortunately for the rat dog and it’s burly owner), the owl wasn’t up for giving us a show and he remained perched on the limb. Even though there wasn’t a lot of the hoped for action, it was still cool to see an owl.