Happy New Year, everyone! I hope that your Christmas/New Year/Holiday time was great. I’m not very big on New Years resolutions since I think that if there’s something that you really want to do, there’s no need to wait until the calendar clicks over to a new number to do it. However, the way my job is currently set up, the winter holiday season is one of the few times I really have to stop, reflect, and reevaluate life, where I’ve been, where I’m heading, and what on earth I’m doing now. I do try to set some achievable goals around this time, or at least plan to make some modifications wherever my evaluations see fit. Over the past year, I felt that my creativity became stifled. While on this break, I’ve been catching up on some freelance work (a lot of it) and exploring the creative process again. What I’ve found is that I’m getting a bit more joy out of life and I’m stress eating a lot less (2014 was a super bad year for that).

So, this year, I’m going to attempt to make something new each week, whether that be a new design, Web site, video, recipe, or something new with my yard, etc. Every week will force me to put my brain to use in some way, in a different way, than the usual. I’m supposing that this will create an advantage in other areas of my life as well. I don’t know though. I’ll do the experiment and we’ll see. Here’s where the accountability comes in. I’m going to post my new thing each week to this site, so that way, I’ll feel more held to this. If I miss a week, feel free to harass me about it. I should have about 52 things by the time 2016 rolls around.

Until next week comes, here’s a look at a few things that I have been working on.

Here’s a house that I digitally drew from the blueprints, added color, and then landscaping. The client needed this to give an idea of what the property would look like with all of the trees and plants around.

I love my South Carolina and thought it would be cool to make a design of it using the names of several cities in the state. I might make this into a print. Whatcha think?

What kinds of things to you like to create? Do you find time out of your busy schedule to make something new? If not, give it a try. Let’s see what we can do!